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Won & Bora

The Creators





#101-102, 10-5 Naejeongro 113
Bundang-gu Seongnam-si, 13609, South Korea

Pawbulous Design Studio focuses on creating character IPs that celebrate diversity, partnering with merchandising companies to share meaningful messages with the world through our collaborative digital content.

A Bit About Us

Welcome to Pawbulous, where creativity meets camaraderie!

Founded by Bora and Won, lifelong friends and kindred spirits sharing a passion for creativity and diversity.

Our vision is simple yet profound: to create engaging and memorable experiences that celebrate the beauty of diversity in all its forms—whether cultural, generational, or ecological.

Bora brings a wealth of storytelling based on years of experience in teaching children, while Won’s exceptional artistic talents breathe life into our characters and creations.

Together, we develop captivating digital content such as short animations and storybooks. Beyond our professional demeanor, we take pride in infusing humor and spice into our work, believing that laughter and creativity are essential for making meaningful connections in today’s world.

Meet the Leaders of Pawbulous

Our commitment to celebrating diversity goes beyond words—it’s at the heart of everything we do. Through our vibrant character IPs and engaging content, we strive to showcase the richness of cultural, generational, and ecological diversity. By embracing and celebrating our differences, we aim to inspire positivity and inclusivity in every project we undertake. Join us in spreading the message that diversity is not just beautiful but essential for a vibrant and harmonious world.

Our Milestones




  • 2021년 예비창업패키지 지원 수혜 & 최우수기업 선정  (Selected as the Best Startup Package Company)

  • 소셜벤쳐기업 판별 (Established Social Venture Company)

  • 2021년 캐릭터라이선싱 페어 신규캐릭터IP 인기캐릭터 수상 (Won the most popular character Ip award at Character Licensing Fair 2021)

  • 2022년 비대면 육성지원사업 지원 수혜 및 국내 최초 캐릭터IP를 활용한 업사이클 메타버스 축제 성료 (Received government funds on None-Face-toFace Fostering Business Project and successfully hosted the first domestic metaverse festival for upcycling business using character IP.)

  • 2022년 한국콘텐츠 진흥원 신규캐릭터IP 제작 지원사업, 우수기업 선정 (Received government funds on developing a new character IP and selected as the honor-all company)

  • 2022년 한국환경산업협회 캐릭터IP를 활용한 업사이클 제품 제작지원 수혜 (Received government funds on developing upcycling products combined with applying character IP for the design) 

  • 스페인 첫 수출 (First export to Spain) 

  • 한국환경공단(전북) K-Eco 상생협력 업무협약 체결 (MOU with Korea Envrionemntal Corporation on K-Eco Program)

  • ​(주)보그인터내셔날 MOU 체결 (MOU with Bog International Inc.)

  • 2023년 한국콘텐츠 진흥원 신규캐릭터IP 제작 지원사업, 우수기업 선정 (Received government funds on developing a new character IP and selected as the honor-all company)

  • 2023년 한국콘텐츠 진흥원 콘텐츠IP 라이선싱 지원 사업 (Received government funds on content IP licensing) 

  • 2023년 한국환경산업협회 캐릭터IP를 활용한 업사이클 제품 제작지원 수혜 (Received government funds on developing upcycling products combined with applying character IP for the design) 

  • 프랑스 첫 수출 (First export to France) 

  • 광명시 2023 업사이클 사업 대상수상 (Awarded the 2023 Upcycle Business Grand Prize by Gwangmyeong City)

  • 대한민국 혁신 브랜드 대상 수상: 업사이클 대중화 부문 '업사이클 메타버스 축제' (Received the Korea Innovation Brand Award in the Upcycle Popularization category for the ‘Upcycle Metaverse Festival’)

  • ​환경부 녹색에너지 우수기업 대상: 업사이클 대중화 기여 (Honored with the Ministry of Environment’s Green Energy Excellent Company Award for contributions to upcycle popularization)


회사명: 주식회사 퍼뷸러스    대표: 유보라    사업자 등록번호: 726-87-02891 

대표번호: 031-719-2229    팩스: 031-717-2225    E-mail:

Copyright © 2021-2024 PAWBULOUS. All Rights Reserved.

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